Category: Hardware

My new archive drives

How cool are these. Yes they’re old but my favorite computer store is selling them cheap at the moment. So I’ve taken the opportunity to buy a few.

New Fuse Box

Ok so I’m excited about my new fuse box, is that weird? It’s means I’ve finally gotten around to getting a spark around to install those safety switches that can save my kids life one day. The exciting bit is, I’ve had installed a dedicated circuit for my server equipment and comms. Which means now …

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How To Upgrade The Telstra HTC Desire To Froyo

EDIT: I have found a site from the makers that does exactly what I was trying to do, look here. OK, I’m impressed! These guys are getting good.  I’m still in the middle of doing this, really don’t want to break it!  I have done everything so far on a Windows 7 Ultimate 64 …

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How To Make An Android Gold Card

UPDATE: Making a gold card is now not required to root/update your HTC Desire please see this post I’ve resently been given a program that creates the gold card in the most easiest way that I’ve seen. It was a process of HexEditing the card itself, but this program does it all for you. You …

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